You are
the Dreamer
of your dream
Every night you are interlinked with the mystery that gives you dreams
You are given stories so that you may use them
Through the symbols, the images and the strangers you meet, you are being spoken to
The question is
re you listening to the guidance of your dreams?
You are
the Dreamer
of your dream
About the Author
Athena Laz is a psychologist,
dream expert & intuitive.
She helps thousands of people world-wide discover the depths of their psyche’s and spirit through the medium of dreams, symbols, metaphor and image.
That is the language of the soul.
The world is at a tipping point and so, now, more than ever it is important that conscious dreamers (lucid dreamers) wake up & step into their power.

Read the book to learn how-to:
- De-code your dream symbols + messages
- Use the guidance of your dreams to support you well in your waking life
- Increase your creativity and well-being through active lucid dreaming
- Understand what your dream figures
and guides are telling you
- Master the ancient art of lucid dreaming
- Discover the symbolic language of your your dreams (the language of your soul)
- Use the power of your lucid dreams (dream travel) for greater personal growth
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Discover The Alchemy of Your Dreams
Your dreams gift you with guidance, solutions, and universal wisdom
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