A nine month depth intensive

A 9-month depth intensive to connect you to spirit & psyche
through the pathway of dreaming

Join international bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and depth psychologist
on a 9-month dream adventure designed to
heighten your connection to the spirit
world, dreams, and psyche.
Join international bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and depth psychologist
on a 9-month dream adventure designed to
heighten your connection to the spirit
world, dreams, and psyche.

This dream school has been carefully curated so that YOU can
build an active bridge between the spirit world and the waking world
for your greater wellness and personal transformation.
Each month we will dive into the depths of a sacred container expanding your ability to receive,
create, and heal through the pathway of dreaming and waking day practices focused on
archetypal psychology, mysticism and symbolic interpretation.

How we will work together:
Does this
sound like you?
You are ready to commit to your spiritual and psychological growth with a tight knit group of kindred spirits
You want to connect with spirit, non-physical and higher realms of consciousness while being supported in the process
You want to actively interpret your own dreams and have insight from me and the rest of the group in the process
You can commit time wise for the group activations and journeys
You want to create more beauty, harmony, peace and abundance for your life and others
You enjoy introspective work and are ready to explore your inner world through archetypal psychology, imagery practices, dream interpretation and active dreaming
You would like to meet your guides, dream allies and non-physical higher self
You want to explore or heighten your creative gifts and offerings and are ready to do so
You are ready to become a dream weaver who can work with the seen and the unseen at will
You want to clear out any old or stagnant patterns of energy to create somethign new in your life
Program Breakdown
OPENING CEREMONY: 29th November 2025
Workshops held on the last Sunday of Every Month at 2 PM ET
Nov 2025:
Opening dream circle which includes introductions, a guided journey, intuitive messages for each participant and core practices to work on for the year
Dec 2025:
The Return to the Double Worldview: Building a Bridge between the Soul and the Waking World
Jan 2026:
Discovering and Strengthening the Dream Body and Astral Body. Understanding the long-term benefits for doing so.
Feb 2026:
Mastering the Mirror Like Nature of Reality and Working with Transformative Symbols Sent from Soul/Psyche
March 2026:
Working with Shadow, the Unconcious and IRT practices.
April 2026:
Becoming a Rainmaker: An Alchmecial Journey
May 2026:
Meet Your Spirit Guides and Dream Allies
June 2026:
Healing the Anima Mundi -- the World Soul
July 2026:
Choosing and Honoring Your Sacred Dream and Closing Circle
We are the Dream Keepers & the Wisdom Weavers
who will help to restore balance in the world through our ability to walk consciously in the in-between & call in that, which is for the highest good, through our deliberate dreaming
This call sits at the heart of the program. This is
where we are woven together as a dream collective.
Most sessions will be a fusion of mysticism and
information), shamanic and ancient wisdom dream
practices, sharing, and archetypal depth psychology
As a rule, we work with the practice of
moving between the seen and the unseen, the waking
world and the dream world. Our zoom calls will take place
on a Sunday to accommodate everyone, and the
session will last between 2 to 3 hours
Benefits of Joining:
Dream interpretation group on what's app which is community led
Become a skilled and deliberate dreamer while receiving hands-on guidance directly from Athena
Active support from Athena in decoding your dreams, psyche and in navigating your unconscious
Learn how to walk your consciousness through waking life into dreaming while remaining aware the entire time... life changing!
Learn how to consciously incubate psychic guidance from Dreams and waking life
If you are struggling the group and Athena will dream on behalf of you
Learn to work with (not against) the full spectrum of your inner landscape
Accountability group in making active changes
Exploring non-physical realms and locations with guidance and support
Miminizing fear and maximizing curious exploration

What You'll Receive:
9 months of Support, Training and Hands On Guidance from Athena.
Monthly Live Workshops and Activations
Group Dreaming and Active Exploration
Greater Understanding of Your Own Symbolic, Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Landscape. Move beyond 'thinking' or reading about these things and experience them first hand for yourself.
A gentle note:
I intentionally keep these groups small so that you can get active and sacred support and training.
As such there are no refunds issued so please be mindful of this.
Q: I have never had a lucid dream can I still join?
A: Yes!
This training program is designed for beginners and experienced dreamers alike.
Q: What if I can't do the practices consistently?
A: That is not a problem.
This group at its core is designed to be supportive which means that you can do as much of the at home practices as you like.
After four years of running this program, I can also say with confidence that each group tends to find its own rhythm and level of willing depth exploration.
Q: Are the zoom calls recorded?
A: No.
This is because most people do not feel comfortable being video recorded when they are doing this type of work. And in order to do this work one must feel comfortable in being able to freely express themselves.
If you miss a session the group tends to fill you in on what you have missed.
If I chose to run this group again you are also free to join in for the missing session then.
Q: I have never recorded my dreams will this be an issue?
A: Not at all.
Although I do recommend that you journal your dreams over the nine months that we work together.
Q: I have never terrible nightmares/night terrors will this help?
A: Very likely.
We actively work with any frightening imagery that pops up either in the unconscious mind or in the hypnagogic passages.
Q: Is this based on Jungian analysis?
A: There are elements of Jungian notions and ideas sprinkled throughout this program.
However, we also move beyond the realm of psychology and enter into the multidimensional nature of non-physical reality.
Q: I have done other spiritual and shamanic trainings; will I learn anything new here?
A: That is up to you -- does learning and expansion ever stop?
This program is designed to incorporate mysticism, psyche, dreaming and spirit.
Q: Have more questions?
A: Please feel free to email the office at info @ athenalaz.com and we will answer any of your questions.